AppEpochEvent | An event subclass for when an application begins and ends |
ApplicationLayer | The application layer of the network stack |
Channel | A channel class is one over which a signal travels according to some path loss model |
CommunicationLayer | The communication layer class which is a superclass of classes implemented layers in the network stack |
DummyEvent | This class does nothing when the execute function is called |
Event | The interface for events which are scheduled in the simulator's event queue |
EventPtrComparator | Helper class to define how Event objects are compared for use with the Simulator's Event queue |
Fading | This computes the fading for a given signal at a receiver |
FreeSpace | This computes the received signal strength using the Friis free space model |
LayerRecvEvent | This is the event for when a layer receives a packet from one of its adjacent layers |
LinkLayer | This is the link layer in the network stack |
Location | Represents the geographic location of an object in the simulator |
LogStreamManager | Keeps track of which stream should be used for logging various types of events |
MacProtocol | The class for handling medium access control (MAC) on a channel |
Node | The class for a node in our system, which consists of a stack of CommunicationLayer objects connected together |
NodeId | The node ID class provides a representation of the node's identifier |
Packet | Defines a representation of the packets that are exchanged between nodes |
PacketData | A class which holds the data that is contained within a packet |
PathLoss | This computes the path loss for a given signal at a receiver |
PhysicalLayer | The class for the physical layer of a node (i.e., the radio) |
RandNumGenerator | Handles the generation of random numbers from several distributions |
Rayleigh | Computes fading according to the Rayleigh model |
ReadTagData | This class keeps track of tag data received |
RfidMacCycleEvent | The event for when the timer fires signaling a timeout for an application layer's read request |
RfidReaderApp | The RFID reader application class |
RfidReaderAppData | The representation of the application data in an RfidReaderApp's data packet |
RfidReaderAppReadEvent | The event for when the read process should begin at the application |
RfidReaderMac | A MAC protocol for RFID readers that uses slotted ALOHA |
RfidReaderMacData | The representation of the MAC data in a RfidReaderMac's packet |
RfidReaderPhy | The physical layer class for a RFID reader |
RfidTagApp | The RFID tag application class |
RfidTagAppData | The representation of the application data in an RfidTagApp's data packet |
RfidTagMac | A MAC protocol for RFID tags that uses slotted ALOHA |
RfidTagMacData | The representation of the MAC data in a RfidTagMac's packet |
RfidTagPhy | The physical layer class for a RFID tag |
Ricean | The Ricean fading model |
SendToLinkLayerEvent | The event for when a packet gets passed from a MAC object to a link layer object |
Signal | A signal that can be transmitted over a channel |
SignalEndEvent | The event for when a signal ends (e.g., after accounting for latency and transmision delay) after being placed on the channel |
SignalRecvEvent | The event for when a signal is transmitted onto the channel |
SimTime | Defines the class for managing time in the simulator |
SimulationEndListener | This is an interface for classes which can be notified when the simulation ends |
Simulator | The main Simulator which class contains the event queues, nodes, and channels |
SlottedMac | A protocol which divides time into discrete slots during which packets can be transmitted |
SlottedMacSlotEvent | The event for when a discrete slot begins |
Timer | Provides an interface to control events based on timers |
TwoRay | This computes the received signal strength using the TwoRay Ground Refelection model at longer distances and FreeSpace for shorter distances |
WirelessChannel | Defines the channel used for radio transmissions over a wireless channel |
WirelessChannelManager | This class manages which nodes are listening and transmitting on which channels |
WirelessCommSignal | A radio signal to transmitted over a WirelessChannel |